School Uniform
The regular AAGS school uniform is:
- Navy blue ankle-length abaya with embroidered school logo
- Navy blue or black formal trousers
- Black school scarf (no tassel, sequins, edgings); headscarves should fall below the bosom and must always be fastened with a scarf pin and black under cap
- Black low-heeled formal shoes (or boots, if required, in winter)
- Black/navy socks
- Navy blue, plain, school cardigan (no fancy buttons or decorative elements)
- Navy blue or black coat (for use outside the school premises, such as on the way to the PE hall or on educational trips
Pupils are also expected to wear this school uniform on all educational trips. Trainers are allowed, depending on the trip organised.
The AAGS PE Uniform is:
- Navy blue loose full-length bottoms
- White/navy blue full-sleeved, knee-length top
- Navy blue scarf (fastened without a pin)
- Trainers/plimsolls- only to be worn during PE lessons
- Black/navy socks
The AAGS Dress Code for a non-uniform day is:
- All garments must be formal and suitable to be worn in a formal public setting
- Tops should be non-transparent, loose, full-sleeved and knee-length
- Trousers should be non-transparent, loose, formal and ankle-length
- Shoes must be low-heeled and formal- strappy sandals and peep toes are not allowed
- Jeggings/leggings are not allowed as an outerwear
Whether pupils arrive and leave school by private transport or not, they MUST wear their abaya over their day clothing, regardless.
NB: Hijab buns are against our Uniform & Appearance policy, and hence, not allowed in school.
In addition to the above, bringing and/or wearing make up and jewellery at AAGS is strictly prohibited at all times during the school year.
School abaya and PE uniform can be purchased from the school office. Only uniforms purchased from the school must be worn.