BBC School Report

BBC School Report 2022:

BBC School Report 2020:

BBC School Report 2019:

BBC School Report 2018:

BBC School Report 2016:

Once again students at Azhar Academy girls school have completed the BBC school report for news days March 2016

BBC School Report 2015:

bbc-school-report-2015This year we have decided to change the format of the BBC school report, and add an interesting twist. Instead of choosing a selection of pupils, we are going to make one video involving the entire Year 9 cohort; to do this, we have split it into 4 groups with two main presenters and four different topics.

Tuesday 10th February 2015:

A BBC producer has come to give us some advice on how to do our BBC report; we are unsure about what to do- but that’s okay we are learning how to use something as simple as a pen and turn it into an interesting story.

Zoe (the producer) has said that no one has ever done a news report with Newsround rather than the actual BBC news…I think an idea might be forming…

Monday 16th February 2015:

All the groups have to decide on their featured topic…our group doesn’t know whether we should do addictive gaming or excessive shopping…..? Though Saba’s group have already chosen to focus on stress and Zaynab Mufti’s group are exploring how Barbie influences the behaviour of young children. The final group, have chosen to investigate a new child tracking app. Most groups want their news story to be geared towards a younger audience (possibly Newsround).

The teams discuss roles- lots of people want to be a camera man. I make the point that we will need presenters/correspondents and interviewers.

Monday 2nd March 2015:

We have already started filming, but it is so hard to remember lines, most of the groups have only filmed the presenters’ scenes.  We have had lots of help from the Head Girl with filming and editing. She showed us how to add angels to our video to make it much more entertaining.

We only have two weeks till the deadline and one week before we have to show the class everyone is very scared that we won’t finish in time!!!!
Most of the groups have decided against doing it for Newsround.

Thursday 12th March 2015:

Panic mode! The deadline is pending and everyone is apprehensive…although, most of the footage has not been uploaded…we still have time to make this special.

Lots of us have interviews to finish and all of us have lots of footage to re-shoot!!!

The deadline to present our individual reports has been extended to Friday 13th March 2015.

Inshallah we will be able to finish in time, and everything will come together, beautifully.


December 11/12/2013

­Today we decided who will be in the team and what we might discuss. We want to show our thoughts and ideas, together with joining a big venture as BBC school report. We expressed ideas individually and Zainab took notes.

You must watch this space for upcoming ideas!

February 14/02/2014

Today we discussed who can we interview? Teachers? Students? Or even people from are area? We need to gather as much information as possible.

Tuesday 11th March 2014:

The team gathered and discussed who will be in charge of what and what responsibility we will be taking throughout this experience.

Wednesday 18th March 2014:

Today we all made our scripts and discussed exactly what we wanted to speak about and express our views on.

Friday 20th March 2014:

Today we filmed our report. We interviewed teachers in our school about what their views were on certain issues to do with education. Also on how we feel about Michael Gove’s proposal to longer school days.